Donations accepted 24/7 at the shelter: Non-furniture items 24/7 to shelter at 402 Oak,
Furniture to admin: 803 Spruce, please contact 903-280-7549 or Facebook to schedule furniture
70% men, 30% women = our shelter population statistics at any given point
Essential items of which we are typically lowest: underwear, feminine products, deodorant, shaving supplies, toothpaste, large men's shoes, small men's pants, bras, bottled water, flip flops, cheater glasses, cold/flu/indigestion tablets, commercial trash bags (Sams website)
Randy Sams Outreach Shelter needs food, paper products, cold weather clothing items, new underwear, and financial donations to provide needed items at our luncheon on Thanksgiving Day to the area homeless and less fortunate. Please contact Lori, our Kitchen Manager, at 903-792-7024 if you plan to bring any meal related items.
Monetary donations can be mailed to 803 Spruce St, Texarkana, TX or made online at Donations are accepted at the shelter 24/7 at 402 Oak St. in downtown Texarkana. We appreciate any help the public can provide to ensure we effectively meet the need this Thanksgiving!